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Your cardiovascular system transports oxygen and nutrients to every single cell in your body. When your cardiovascular system is damaged or under attack you need to find a cardiologist near you to diagnosis your condition fast. How do I find a cardiologist near me? What exactly does a cardiologist do?

A cardiologist diagnoses and prescribes treatment options for all elements of your cardiovascular system as required. Your cardiovascular system is a complex network consisting of various internal body parts and organs running throughout your body. If you are experiencing heart or other cardiovascular-related issues it is essential to seek the help you need right away. Read tips on how to find a cardiologist near you today.

Your Cardiovascular System Explained

Your cardiovascular system consists of a vast enterprise of internal organs and various body parts. The main organ in the cardiovascular system is the heart. Blood vessels are the transport systems, which carry the blood to and from the heart in both directions. Blood vessels consist of arteries, which transport blood away from your heart, and veins, which in turn transport blood back to it again. The primary artery, called the aorta branches out in a trunk-like fashion. Out of the aorta branch the large arteries, which in turn branch out into smaller blood vessels. Capillaries are the final stop within the branches of the blood vessel trunk. Capillaries transport various biological materials from your blood to the cells in various tissue systems. The amount of capillaries connected to each system varies from extensive to none at all. 

The cardiovascular system is made up of two primary sub-systems. Systemic cardiovascular circulation transports blood, oxygen and nutrients to your cells, tissues and organs. Pulmonary cardiovascular circulation allows oxygen to enter the blood stream, while simultaneously releasing carbon dioxide from your body.

Why Your Cardiovascular Is Important

The health of your cardiovascular system is vitally important for numerous reasons. Cardiovascular issues potentially lead to shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, chest pains, heart attacks, strokes and more. Sepsis, which is essentially the result of your body poisoning its own blood, is a lethal condition and an example of a cardiovascular issue just as dangerous as a heart attack and/or stroke. 

Issues with your cardiovascular system also potentially lead to blood clots. Blood clots potentially lead to pulmonary embolisms, kidney failure, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and complications during pregnancy. Ultimately, a blood clot has the potential to cause a heart attack, stroke and death. For all these reasons and more it is absolutely crucial for you to make sure your cardiovascular system is functioning as needed by getting frequent checkups and seeing a doctor immediately if any issues arise.

What Does a Cardiologist Do?

A cardiologist is a highly trained medical doctor who diagnoses and prescribes treatment options for all elements of your cardiovascular system as needed. If you are experiencing adverse heart conditions or other cardiovascular issues it is essential to find a cardiologist near you right away. What does a cardiologist do?

A cardiologist diagnoses whether you have a heart or vascular issue after your primary care doctor determines you need the care of a cardiology specialist. Your symptoms are evaluated through a series of examinations, tests and imaging. Medications are prescribed, and surgeries scheduled as applicable. If surgery is required, your cardiologist refers you to a cardiovascular surgeon.

The main field of cardiology is comprised of many specialized categories. Every cardiologist is a clinical physician capable of diagnosing, treating and helping prevent cardiovascular issues. Areas of specialization vary, however. For example, Pediatric cardiology deals with cardiovascular issues in children. Interventional cardiology involves procedures such as electrophysiology, stent placement, balloon angioplasty and echocardiography. Interventional/surgical cardiologists also perform pacemaker implants and cardiac catheterization. Finally, in addition to performing clinical physician duties, a cardiologist with a doctoral degree is also capable of teaching in universities and conducting research/studies pursuant to contemporary cardiovascular treatments and prevention techniques. 

Ailments Treated by a Cardiologist

What specific types of ailments does a cardiologist treat? A cardiologist treats rare and common cardiovascular issues ranging in severity from mild to potentially fatal. For example, a cardiologist treats high blood pressure and high cholesterol. A cardiologist also treats heart infections and diabetes. Additional types of ailments treated by a cardiologist include:

  • Arrhythmias.

  • Chest pain.

  • Heart attack/failure.

  • Heart infection/valve issues.

  • Pre-eclampsia.

  • Breathing issues caused by smoking.

  • Blood clots

Tips to Find a Cardiologist Near You

Various convenient and effective methods for finding a cardiologist near you are available in 2021. What are some helpful tips to find a cardiologist near me? A basic Google search including the word, “cardiologist,” and your zip code brings up a multitude of options. Do you have a health insurance provider? Contact your insurance company and request recommendations for an in-network cardiologist near you. Walk-in services are available!

You primary care physician (PCP) is capable of recommending cardiologists in your area. Online Telehealth and Telemedicine appointments are now common in 2021. It is quite possible to see a cardiologist from the comfort of your own home using a secure, HIPPA-protected video conferencing program. Various websites also exist and are designed to specifically help you find a cardiologist near you today. Online cardiologist search-websites and other cardiovascular issue resources include: